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  • Writer's pictureSmalltimore Homes

Last month we broke our volunteer record! 25 volunteers joined us for our November Build. 20 of them were first time Smalltimore Homes volunteers and we had a blast! We are so fortunate to have so much support! We are truly building a better Baltimore with the community.

  • Writer's pictureSmalltimore Homes

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

Smalltimore Homes is working to reduce homelessness in Baltimore by building tiny homes and micro-shelters. We believe that everyone deserves a safe place to call home, and our mission is to provide equitable housing solutions to those in need. Our tiny homes and micro-shelters are designed to be comfortable, secure, and affordable, so that those experiencing housing insecurity can have a safe and stable place to call home.

We are committed to providing equitable housing solutions to those in need, and are dedicated to creating a better future for Baltimore. Our tiny homes and micro-shelters provide safe and secure housing that is both affordable and sustainable. We invite you to join us in our mission to reduce homelessness in Baltimore and provide equitable housing solutions to those in need.

Help us build tiny homes and micro-shelters for those in need.

Donate now to support our mission of providing equitable housing solutions to those in need in Baltimore!

  • Writer's pictureSmalltimore Homes

Our Birthday Fundraiser for our founder was a HUGE success last month! We broke bread and raised funds at Homemaid, a local minority owned small business. An unofficial part of our mission is to support as many small business owners as possible. We believe in sharing resources and supporting local.

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