Each micro-shelter comes fully stocked with a sleeping bag, insulation, storage shelves and accessories. Your donation of $3250 contributes toward the tools, materials and furnishings it takes to make a home. Each micro-shelter will sleep at least one person.
Statistically 3,600 people sleep on the streets of Baltimore, but only includes those who may be admitted into local shelters, or a known encampment, otherwise these indivduals aren't accounted for. In Baltimore, every month, at least one tent encampment has been dismantled, displacing complete communities. Clearly, this doesn't solve an issue, is just displaces established communites and forces them out of their "safe spaces".
These #COVIDResponse micro-shelters aren't shown, as we've increased the size. The past prototypes are on wheels and both designs are made to help people who are unhoused to socially distance during #COVID19. These shelters are also perfect for winter usage.
Partnerning with community outreach organizations for mail services, and/or "parking spaces" will allow for micro shelter residents to rest, keep their belongings safe, obtain an address, get an ID and with time, transition back into what most of us know as "normal life".
Please help to support this cause. Ultimately, after taking care of our unhoused community memebers, we are going to bring smart tiny home villages to Baltimore!
Please show your support for our mission: https://www/SmaltimoreHomes.org/micro-shelter-support
Fully Sponsor a Micro Shelter
Sponsor a Micro Shelter.